
No problem. Bhai Bhai, we are, no? 150 150 Comfort Aid International

No problem. Bhai Bhai, we are, no?

There is, nestled among the old, winding lanes of once upon a time Catholic community of Juhu, a men’s barbershop. Here, I can get me a relaxing foot massage and a pedicure that takes care of my very painful – if not timely treated – ingrown toenails, all for about US$5. Now, where in the world would…

Magufuli / Daladala / Jamtan / Me And Rai 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Magufuli / Daladala / Jamtan / Me And Rai

Magufuli rocks – For now Dar is the same, if not with more unruly traffic. The gajjar chicken, mishkaki and nundu remain robustly lip smacking. Remnants of the recent elections can be seen in half torn posters of candidates everywhere. The victor, John Pombe Magufuli is on a refreshing rampage through all government agencies, firing…

The Reformation Of My Grandfather’s Ummah – Imam Hussein (A) – Part 2 150 150 Comfort Aid International

The Reformation Of My Grandfather’s Ummah – Imam Hussein (A) – Part 2

Masoom Sanji (name not real) is an 18-year-old fella way beyond his age; in wisdom. I first noticed him at Zed Palace Khoja Center in Andheri, Mumbai some 5 years ago, when I lived there. He was a serious looking, lanky teenager then, with worry lines running through his face and a serious look that…

The Reformation Of My Grandfather’s Ummah – Imam Hussein (A) 150 150 Comfort Aid International

The Reformation Of My Grandfather’s Ummah – Imam Hussein (A)

When I meet Mullah Mchungu recently, the guy’s smile almost blinds me. But then I gather that the dazzle is not a smile at all, rather, they are bright, white, brand-new, ill-fitting dentures he dons, hurting my eyes. We have been in touch by phone, the Mullah and I, since I last met him in Dar, all shriveled up…

Sohail’s Afghanistan Photoblog 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Sohail’s Afghanistan Photoblog

A visit to rural Afghanistan is never easy. And this was probably the most grueling, travel wise, for Sohail Abdullah and I; Sohail’s 2nd and my 29th, between September 29 and October 9. We landed into Kabul with a fierce war going on as Kundus was temporarily overrun and bombs exploded in Kabul like Diwali…

Smiling Sri Lanka / Bloody Bangladesh 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Smiling Sri Lanka / Bloody Bangladesh

Smiles and smiles: The first thing I notice upon landing at Colombo is that Sri Lankans like to smile. A lot. What a difference from India! You try smiling at Indians and they will probably frown upon you with wary suspicion. And if you happen to smile at some pretty lass, why, you’ll probably be…

Planes, Trains, Automobiles 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Planes, Trains, Automobiles

On the road again, travelling directly from Orlando to Mumbai via Dubai, saving me eight hours if going through New York; thank you Emirates. Now if you will occasionally fumigate your seats so bugs will not eat your customers alive like they did me on this flight? I land in Mumbai severely jetlagged but a…

Musings 150 150 Comfort Aid International


I am at the tail end of my current long trip through Afghanistan, India and Tanzania; can’t wait to see and hug Maaha Zainab once more. It has been a tough physical trip, yes, as usual, but more emotional. Afghanistan is always emotive, for me. The poverty and helplessness of the people we serve grates…

My Afghan Trip Report – Riyaz 150 150 Comfort Aid International

My Afghan Trip Report – Riyaz

Here is a perspective of CAI activities in Afghanistan from a newcomer to the country who accompanied my 28th trip there. Interesting insight into the challenges all of us face in the humanitarian work undertaken by CAI. You can view some wonderful photos of the trip here. Ali Yusufali My Afghan Trip Report – Riyaz…

All Men Are Dogs…! 150 150 Comfort Aid International

All Men Are Dogs…!

The Emirates A380 long haul flights can be comfortable, but rather lonely. Gone are the flights where I could chat with a fellow traveler and while away some of the long hours. I can eat a bunch, watch a couple of movies, nap a bit or read some, but the conversation certainly helps, especially to…

Eid Mubaarak! Really? 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Eid Mubaarak! Really?

I think I am going to go ahead and sue Mullah Mchungu’s son-in-law, Hyder. He is some big shot businessman in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and makes all sorts of worldwide long distance calls. For this, he gets free talk time from his phone carrier, gifts he innocently bestows on Sakina, his beloved wife. This…

Ramadhan in Sanford 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Ramadhan in Sanford

‘Its all in the mind.’ That’s the saying, and I agree. It’s the tenth day of Ramadhan today, perhaps one-third of the month is gone. I fretted a few days before the month began, how were we going to survive the 16 plus hours of thirst and hunger, especially for my girl Zainab. No big…

A Sizzling Indian Summer 150 150 Comfort Aid International

A Sizzling Indian Summer

I land in Mumbai to the chatter of very little except for the heat wave gripping most of the country, especially in the areas I am to visit the next few days. About 2,500 (last count) people have died from the unprecedented almost 120F furnace created by the current summer ball of fire. I don’t…

The Imam (a) Will Not Lift A Finger To Save Us From Allah’s Punishment 150 150 Comfort Aid International

The Imam (a) Will Not Lift A Finger To Save Us From Allah’s Punishment

I am busy at my computer when my cell phone goes off, startling me. The screen flashes Mullah Mchungu’s number from Dar. I don’t want to take it as it’ll mean loss of thirty minutes, at least, and I have my run coming up in that time. I give in and answer the phone, however. The guy was quite ill when…

A Trip Of Endless Thanx – Zuhair Ebrahim 150 150 Comfort Aid International

A Trip Of Endless Thanx – Zuhair Ebrahim

Towards the end of last February, when Toronto is in a midst of a deep freeze, I get a call from my fellow Tangawalla and Orlandowalla – Ali Yusufali of CAI, asking me what was I up to. I did the usual complaining about the cold until he asked me if I would be willing…


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