
Hurt Sentiments 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Hurt Sentiments

My previous Blog, Snotty Delights, prompted whiney annoyance from some (Indian) readers, one calling me a 24/7 Indian critic, accusing me of visiting India at liberty and then making Indians look terrible. Sigh… I have said the following before and I will state it again: I love India, my ancestral home. It is a wonderful…

Mwaleemu Kichaa 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Mwaleemu Kichaa

Now that I am getting on in age (still gives no one the right to call me uncle, chacha, mama or any other silly titles), I look back on malicious but memorial childhood actions that I much regret. These silly but hurtful activities, over forty-five plus years ago, shames and saddens me immensely. I am…

Tagging Along With YY 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Tagging Along With YY

Here is a writeup by M. Khalfan who joined me with friend Sarfaraz in one part of my recent India trip. Enjoy, especially the photos! I first meet Ali Yusufali (YY) in Florida while attending the funeral of a close family friend. As we discuss CAI’s worldwide projects, YY suggests I visit some of them,…

Mixed Fruity Jjaam 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Mixed Fruity Jjaam

Destination Kargil It has and is my priority to channel CAI funds to the most needy areas of the world; have blogged about these countries extensively, Afghanistan in particular, of course. Recently, I had the good fortune to visit Indian Kargil and Srinagar, where CAI recently built a school for a very poor community in…

A Promise Kept 150 150 Comfort Aid International

A Promise Kept

Here is a write-up from Abbas who accompanied me to Afghanistan recently. Please read and enjoy the accompanying photos here. I will add that these girls are from extremely poor families. When they first came to SGH, it was Herculean challenge for us to rehabilitate them into a ‘normal civilized family’. The transformation in three…

A Broken Marriage, Courtesy Johda Akber And Whatsup 150 150 Comfort Aid International

A Broken Marriage, Courtesy Johda Akber And Whatsup

Alireza is in tears; his wet face a contortion of grief and pain. Men crying always make me uncomfortable; it punctures all offensive mechanisms in me, especially if the person is one close to me. We are seated in Alireza’s parents ancient, second floor tiny apartment in Dongri, a rather dingy community of Mumbai, India.…

Mcheee 150 150 Comfort Aid International


Mcheee. Mullah Mchungu makes this nerve grating sound from a warped mouth, twisting his lips inwards revealing aged toothless gums. It is a sound that is unique to Africans, especially East Africans. You will hear the Khojas of East Africa utter it sometimes, like the Mullah now. It is used to express displeasure generally but…

A Free Preview 150 150 Comfort Aid International

A Free Preview

Mullah Mchungu shows up at my door when I am right in the middle of a vigorous seven mile run on my treadmill, from where I am following highlights of a thrilling cricket match between India and Pakistan to keep me company. I don’t like my running routine to be interrupted so I ignore the…

The Chief Minister’s Assassin – A Novel 600 800 Comfort Aid International

The Chief Minister’s Assassin – A Novel

Phew! It’s done. Finally! My second novel is done editing and is currently being readied for publishing; it will be out second / third week of March insha’Allah. Having worked on it off and on for the last three long years plus, I feel lost not having to slog over it anymore. Strangely, the feeling…

My Trip To Sirsi & Phanderi – Nasser Jetta 150 150 Comfort Aid International

My Trip To Sirsi & Phanderi – Nasser Jetta

Inna lillahi Wa Inna Ilayi Raajeoon… the profundity of this beautiful Quraanic verse hit me most when I lost someone dear to me, without whom I wouldn’t be here today – my father, Aunali Jetha, my role model. He lost his battle fighting Leukemia last year. Life hasn’t been the same ever since he passed…

Out Of Africa 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Out Of Africa

I fly to warm, muggy Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and immediately set on feasting on mangoes, pineapples, zambarao and plums that are in season; ahhh, what delight, but promptly get a bellyache and the runs. Dar now resembles mini Mumbai in filth, minus the curs; haphazard construction, rowdy, snarled traffic and backed up sewer lines…

The Day FBI Raided My House 150 150 Comfort Aid International

The Day FBI Raided My House

Tuesday, November 19 2013 begins benign enough; we wake up for salaat, Mahaa Zainab and her mother return to slumber and I proceed with pushups and other exercises, run-up to a six – seven mile run later on, after giving breakfast and dropping Zainab to school. It is 7AM and I have just completed my…

I Gift You, My Dearest, An Onion Ring 150 150 Comfort Aid International

I Gift You, My Dearest, An Onion Ring

We are inseparable, India and I, I think. Why, I was here just six weeks ago. I am back, thanks to an incompetent real estate agent who forgot to take a signature in the presence of Land Registry last visit, an absolute must. Well, I am here now, bemused at the ruckus created by skyrocketing…

Little Muskaan Is Going Blind 320 240 Comfort Aid International

Little Muskaan Is Going Blind

I sit in the shade, outside CAI built Al Zahra Boys Home in Sirsi, UP India. My face and every exposed body part feel the scorching heat and humidity out here. I earlier inspect new science laboratories and seven new classrooms at the school across the orphanage all morning so am taking a well-deserved break.…

Afghanistan, My Turn – Shaida Bhayani 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Afghanistan, My Turn – Shaida Bhayani

Sallam This, my 26th trip to Afghanistan was mighty tough, as you will learn from Shaida’s narration below but as usual, very gratifying; the primary aim was ensuring donor and huqooq funds are spent in responsible manner. I am humbled at the projects CAI donors have supported, bringing much relief and hope to the utmost downtrodden of Allah’s creations in the most remote parts of His realm. Abbas Jaffer and…


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