
Letter FROM President Barak Obama 637 877 Comfort Aid International

Letter FROM President Barak Obama

I write an impassioned letter to president Barak Hussein Obama regarding the oppressed Palestinians on March 24, 2013. Being a pragmatist, I am not expecting a response. To my pleasant surprise, the President does write back. It is somewhat of a standard, expected response really, but a comeback nevertheless, for which I give the man…

Basi Mimi Msheenzi!! 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Basi Mimi Msheenzi!!

Mullah Mchungu, my elderly occasional comrade and frequent nemesis is visiting Sanford, Florida once more. I feel his arresting hand grip my shoulder after Thursday program at Sanford Husseini Islamic Center. Kisukaali, says his quivering voice, surely you can say sallam to an old man, where are your manners? Sallam Mullah! I exclaim happily, I…

Ramadhan In Sanford – As It Unfolds… 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Ramadhan In Sanford – As It Unfolds…

Allah (S) is extra benevolent to us folks in Sanford, FL, especially this Ramadhan. Frankly I dread the oncoming month of mercy; long sizzling days of summer, endless lethargic afternoons where the stomach growls and grumbles endlessly, hallucinating thoughts of colluding, conspiring time pieces moving extra slow, being on a short fuse as the sun…

Lost In Lebanon 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Lost In Lebanon

Day One: Middle East Airlines takes off from chilly London on time, headed for Beirut, where I am headed to render aid to Syrian refugees on behalf of Comfort Aid International donors. Next to me sits a burly Lebanese man with a massive gut who fidgets impatiently for the seat belt sign to come off,…

Orphan Stories 231 320 Comfort Aid International

Orphan Stories

Here are two stories on orphans that I have been flowing up lately. Both relate to Sakina Girls Home (SGH), an all-girl orphanage in Andheri, Mumbai, India which CAI supports. One is of two new applicants and other is a follow-up on two orphans who grew up, received a quality education and now, as adults,…

Land Of Bo E, Me And Rey 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Land Of Bo E, Me And Rey

Monrovia Liberia, on the coast of West Africa is an exceedingly dreary city; dismay sets in at first sight. Murtaza Bhimani, my colleague, friend and CAI representative for Africa is with me; we are here for due diligence on a school project for poor Muslim children. It is a twelve-hour flight from Dar to Nairobi…

Afghanistan Once Again – Part Two 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Afghanistan Once Again – Part Two

…continued from Afghanistan Once Again – Part One: Back to Nili airport and off to Yakawlang! The unholy hour of 3:30 strikes again! Our alarm clock is none other than Yusufali himself. Somehow he is always first awake and manages to find a place between snoring heads to place a jaanamaaz! We take turns to…

Poo Poo Thoughts 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Poo Poo Thoughts

I am in a terrible mood. Really. You would be as well, if you went through a colonoscopy and stepped on shit. I am in Mumbai, India, taking a breather after a grueling week in Afghanistan and few days in UP, India. My doctor advises it would be a good idea to have a complete…

Afghanistan Once Again – Part One 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Afghanistan Once Again – Part One

Visiting Afghanistan is always a challenge; security jitters, uncertainties about almost everything, inordinate security checks, senseless laws, rural and remote areas horrendous logistics, and the weather can and does play havoc on visitors, especially NGO’s like CAI. Even more frustrating, to me, is the protocol of pretense so prevalent in Afghan culture; why, what a…

Careful Dude, You’re On Camera 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Careful Dude, You’re On Camera

The terrible Boston Marathon bombing instantly gives me bad jitters; here we go. Again. Lunatics perhaps, probably from a Salafist country in the Middle East bringing their deviant loco beliefs of killings and mayhem so very close to home. Or, it could be homegrown extremists, who bloody know? But I pray hard nevertheless, wishing the…

Righting A Terrible Wrong 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Righting A Terrible Wrong

I love elderly people; they relate wonderful tales of yore. They are also mirrors, in whose eyes I see my reflection not too distant away; I am, after all, over the fifty hump and rapidly accelerating down. They can also be crabby and vicious at times, some of them. Take Mullah Mchungu for example, who…

Tragedy Strikes The Khoja Community 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Tragedy Strikes The Khoja Community

Tanzania in general, the people of Dar es Sallam, worldwide Khoja Shias, but especially the Dar es Salaam Khoja community is struck with terrible calamity on March 29 2013 when a sixteen floor building under construction adjacent to the Khoja mosque complex comes tumbling down like a deck of cards. Thirty-six people lose lives that…

A Letter To The President Of United States of America 150 150 Comfort Aid International

A Letter To The President Of United States of America

Dear Mr. President, Salutations and peace to you and your family. My name is Ali Yusufali; it may interest you I was born not too far from your father’s birthplace of Kenya, in Arusha, Tanzania, where I grew up and became an adult. Aspirations for a quality education, better economic opportunities and awe for the…

Oh. My. Gawd! 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Oh. My. Gawd!

Oh. My. Gawd, you are such an uncool Dad! Why can’t you, like, be like other Dads? Exclaims my twelve-year-old daughter Maaha Zainab once more, rolling eyes to the heavens. I have heard her use this expression several times now, consequence of middle school peer influence obviously, but it never fails to irk me to…

Mullah Mchungu Looking For A Susheel Girl 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Mullah Mchungu Looking For A Susheel Girl

    I sit at my desk, minding my own business, at peace with the world and, for a change, the world at peace with me. There are no bombs exploding down the street, no lunatics with Kalashnikovs wondering the street taking potshots at everything that moves, no delayed aircrafts with silly excuses of late incoming…


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