
An Appointment With An Imam (A) 150 150 Comfort Aid International

An Appointment With An Imam (A)

It has been some years since my last visit to Mashaad and I am dying to go visit my Imam (A) again. But the Iranian government is adamant it will (unfairly) not issue an American a visa, come what may; not even for a zawaar. Stumped, I turn to the Iranian ambassadors to India and…

All Is Vell? 150 150 Comfort Aid International

All Is Vell?

I was married to India once, but settled on divorce later, opting for a Muttah affair instead. A wise decision, no? I wait at Kabul airport for a flight to New Delhi India, having just concluded my 22nd visit into Afghanistan. Bushed I am, from lack of sleep, exhausting, punishing schedules visiting very remote CAI…

A Big Fat Khoja Wedding 150 150 Comfort Aid International

A Big Fat Khoja Wedding

My nephew Kumail, my sister Sabeera Somji’s son, born in Canada, living in Dubai, gets married to Sameena Amershi, born in London of Asian African parents, now living in Sanford, FL. Why would you care an ant’s ass about Kumail and Sabeena’s nuptials, you ask? Well, the following yarn might interest you. Perhaps. Guests begin…

Surviving Badee Aachee Lagte Ho 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Surviving Badee Aachee Lagte Ho

Before you proceed reading, please note following disclaimer: The characters in this Blog may be real, perhaps fiction. The storyline could be true, maybe not. I will entertain no questions; comments (criticisms?) welcome, of course.  Mullah Mchungu regards me with moist, rheumy eyes as he settles himself more comfortably in an easy chair across me.…

Luckiest Bloody Servant Of Allah – Part Two 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Luckiest Bloody Servant Of Allah – Part Two

Yangon (Rangoon), Myanmar All pent-up fear and tummy butterflies fly away as soon as I land in Yangon. The company representative sponsoring me flashes me a thumbs-up sign through glass window to show he is around to help, if needed. I am granted a 28-day visa, but because I do not have a copy of…

Luckiest Bloody Servant Of Allah – Part One 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Luckiest Bloody Servant Of Allah – Part One

Part one – Singapore I land in Singapore at 04:45, ten minutes ahead of schedule, which suites me fine; I can have a cup of coffee and a bite to eat before time sets in to begin my fast. Changi Airport, as usual, has no equal in this world; modern, squeaky clean, very beautiful, extremely…

SOS – Myanmar (Burma) 150 150 Comfort Aid International

SOS – Myanmar (Burma)

As I have maintained throughout, in my role at CAI – take one step towards the cause of Allah (S), HE takes ten towards you; guaranteed. All last week I am in tummy knots; will my attempts to help the Rohingya victims in Myanmar be successful, will I accomplish my mission? After several frustrating attempts,…

An Insult? / It’s an ass, no, an arse, no-no, a tush… / Sheikh Ayoob / Myanmar calling? 150 150 Comfort Aid International

An Insult? / It’s an ass, no, an arse, no-no, a tush… / Sheikh Ayoob / Myanmar calling?

An Insult? My previous Blog Ramadhan In Dar es Salaam seem to have hit a raw nerve with a (tiny, tiny) few of you, in regards to my comment about Sheykh Allidina and the use of word ‘arse’. Recapping my response to one particularly irate lady who lectures me on etiquettes of writing – I will not be…

Ramadhan In Dar es Salaam 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Ramadhan In Dar es Salaam

I get to spend first twelve days of Ramadhan in Dar es Salaam (Dar), oh my, what a treat, alhamd’Allah! The weather is ideal, with cool pleasant mornings and nights, comfortable other times. Arusha, where I go visit an ailing aunt is rather cold, even Zanzibar is uncharacteristically chilly at the beach. Working with Reaching…

Muslim Calamity In Myanmaar (Burma) 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Muslim Calamity In Myanmaar (Burma)

Sallam and Ramadhan kareem insha’Allah, All of you must have seen, heard of or are aware of the terrible calamity of Muslims in Myanmar (Burma); it is enough to almost make a human despair of Allah’s mercy.  The evidence of massacres, bodies strewn about worse than slain cattle, burnings, looting and mayhem I have seen makes  makes sleep…

40 Days In Talibaan Hell 150 150 Comfort Aid International

40 Days In Talibaan Hell

I met Basheer some 6 years ago when CAI began a massive water distribution project for about 30,000 internally displaced refugees at Chandawaal, outside Kabul; CAI was in need of engineers. I have grown close to both Basheer and his partner Wasi personally and professionally over these years.  They are down to earth, honest, kind…

Which favors of Allah can I deny? 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Which favors of Allah can I deny?

Cambodia is on my list of countries to visit for quite sometime and by the abundant grace of Allah (S), I recently go there.  Not only because Cambodia is an exotic country that has had a bloody and turbulent history, yes, but importantly, it is 7% Muslim with a blossoming Ahlebeyti Muslim minority of 500…

The Devil And His Bride 150 150 Comfort Aid International

The Devil And His Bride

Deport, deport! Screams the immigration officer from behind the glass divider. Where is your work permit for Afghanistan? He keeps asking.  I try explaining that I am in Afghanistan to visit a friend, but my plea is ignored by overdone exasperation and threats of deportation. So while I ponder on the thought of being sent off…

Updates 150 150 Comfort Aid International


I arrived here in Mumbai after sleep deprived eight days in Afghanistan (trip report and photos by accompanying Amir Somji coming up shortly) where it was numbing cold in Bamiyaan but scorching hot in Mazaar.  But Mazaar weather was a treat compared to New Delhi and Sirsi, India where temperatures came close to 50C.  This…

You ‘Muslim’ Dog! 150 150 Comfort Aid International

You ‘Muslim’ Dog!

In thirty-two odd years that I call United States home, I can remember only two incidents of bigotry that have really upset me.  This is remarkable, living in Texas, which has its share of dogmatists and especially after the events of 9-11. The first time, when I am strapped for funds, putting myself through University of…


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