
Revenge Of A Crow. 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Revenge Of A Crow.

I watch a crow on a branch of a massive tree intently, who stares back indifferent. Because my Kingfisher flight from Chennai, India to Colombo in Sri Lank has been delayed three times already and soured my disposition, I pick up a pebble and hurl it towards where she perches, missing wildly. The crow simply…

Dance Of Dictators 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Dance Of Dictators

Here we go again, another squirming dictator with dire cramps and julaabs, in Libya this time. If it were not for the bloodshed there, his rantings on TV this morning in a womanly voice would have been comical. You know, I had not heard Ghaddafy speak before and with the press terming him a ‘strongman’…

Benapole Is The Largest Land Port In Bangladesh – There Are 172 Villages Under Sharsha Thane! 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Benapole Is The Largest Land Port In Bangladesh – There Are 172 Villages Under Sharsha Thane!

Except for fatter mosquitoes with meaner stings, Shah Jalal International Airport in Dhaka, Bangladesh is almost the same as I left it some ten years ago. Immigration, customs and baggage clearance is pretty efficient however and I am out of airport into milling crowds outside in less than 30 minutes. The traffic, usually choked, chaotic…

Adnaan Saami…I presume? 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Adnaan Saami…I presume?

Emirates Airline 202 bound from New York JFK is bang on time today, a few minutes early even; no routine, vague excuse of a tardy inbound flight to contend with. These airlines must think we travelers are pretty dumb and gullible; as if we care ant’s ass if their inbound flight was late. Anyway, we…

Sunday gripes. 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Sunday gripes.

I am in a foul mood, perhaps because I am headed to the US tomorrow and will have to spend about 20 plus hours in the air to get from Mumbai to London to New York to Orlando, not counting stopover time. There is another, shorter route through Dubai but incredibly, all cattle class seats…

5 Days In Iraq – Through My Eyes 150 150 Comfort Aid International

5 Days In Iraq – Through My Eyes

Maaha Zainab, Alihussein, Tasneem and I are blessed with a visit to Iraq immediately after this past Aashoora in Dubai. Tasneem and I have been to Iraq earlier, under Goddamn, sorry Saddam Hussein in 1998, sailing from Dubai to Basra and overland to Najaf, Karbala, Bagdad, Samara and Kadhemain. It was a memorial trip, leisure…

Comfort Aid International – The Beginning. 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Comfort Aid International – The Beginning.

How did CAI start? What inspired you? I get asked this question very often. The answer is quite lengthy which I had documented way back in 1996. I share and blog this experience now; hope you will find it interesting, informative. It is a hot and humid monsoon July Saturday some 16 years ago; dark,…

Corruption galore 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Corruption galore

Living in India, I have to deal with hundreds, thousands, lacs (one hundred thousand), ten lacs (one million) and then caror (ten million). One caror, that’s a tidy sum of money, especially in India. About US$225,000 at today’s exchange rate. To put this amount into perspective, I just sold my apartment (they call it flat…

Painful Pakistani Plight 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Painful Pakistani Plight

The distance between Mumbai, India and Karachi, Pakistan is about 550 miles; maybe less than an hour’s flying time. But because these two sister countries born from the same clot are estranged, there is but one flight a week between them, PAI. I would stand a better chance winning a Lotto jackpot than secure a…

Mother of 24 children. 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Mother of 24 children.

Sirsi is some 240 miles east of New Delhi, in Uttar Pradesh, about six hour drive. An impoverished community where basic education is a challenge for most, CAI supports the Bahman School just outside Sirsi town. CIA began with construction of 7 classrooms, laboratories and will soon embark on construction of additional 7 classrooms to…

Dear President Obama, welcome to Mumbai: 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Dear President Obama, welcome to Mumbai:

Dear Mr. President: Wow, you are coming to Mumbai today! Welcome, Sirjee, most welcome. You know what; I was so thrilled when you won the elections. Man, I never in my wildest dreams ever imagined a Black American with a Muslim sounding name preside over the most powerful country in the world. I know, I…

Afghanistan x 17 – I (still) despair. 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Afghanistan x 17 – I (still) despair.

This is my 17th trip to Afghanistan in 5 years. Much has changed (for the better) in Kabul but so much has remained the same or regressed in remote areas. The airport is brand new, paid for by the Japanese but the attitudes of personnel remain ancient as perhaps the city itself. All 5 immigration…

Pakistan drowns – A personal experience. 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Pakistan drowns – A personal experience.

Emirates flight from Dubai to Islamabad is uneventful but delayed, typical Emirates style; the pilot wakes up 15 minutes after scheduled departure, tells us how sorry he is and blames late arrival of this aircraft for the delay. As if I care; you are late, period, I don’t care an ant’s ass why; save me…

Leh, India – The skies rained misery. Part Two. 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Leh, India – The skies rained misery. Part Two.

Part Two. Death, decay and despair. The district of Ladakh in Indian Kashmir is beautiful, simply beautiful. Kargil and Leh comprise Ladekh with a combined population of about 300,000 people spread over a very large mountainous area. The religious (mostly harmonious) divide is 52% (mostly Shiite) Muslims, 45% Buddhist and 3% others. Very much like…

Leh, India – The skies rained misery. Part One. 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Leh, India – The skies rained misery. Part One.

Part One. Perhaps this is why Pakistan is in such a mess…? Reports are pouring in about death, maim, unimaginable anguish and heartbreak for peoples of Pakistan and Leh, going through devastating flooding and mud slides that have cost so many lives and destroyed so much. Even though it is Ramadhan, I cannot sit still;…


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