Zakat el Fitr
Heads up regarding 2023 Ramadhan Zakat el Fitr. Since the zakat will be distributed to those eligible in remote areas of the CAI world, please donate now. We can then be ready to execute the project on Eid day. This year’s rate is US$12 minimum per individual. Please donate this as a loan to CAI and change your intention to zakat obligation before the Eid prayer.
Starvation In Somalia
Somalia is going through its sixth year of extreme drought as the rains have failed yet again. Thousands of internally displaced refugees are camped outside the capital Mogadishu in desperate unsanitary conditions and hungry – the children are most vulnerable to starvation and disease. CAI is mobilizing food for these hapless people and will distribute it by the end of April insha’Allah. Please help if possible. Allah bless.