Winter Food Aid In Afghanistan / Yemen
Most poor farmers in Afghanistan plant wheat they will eat during the frigid winter in spring and harvest the food in fall. If the harvest is poor or if it fails, like it has this year due to the floods, the hungry infirm, elderly, and children simply will not wake up in the mornings. This year, we have no option but to continue the feeding program if we can.
Please help CAI continue the feeding program through April 2023 and pray no new disasters reoccurs. Please donate to our food aid programs in Afghanistan and Yemen at US$50,000 per month.
Manakara School, Madagascar – A Photo Update
This massive school for over 500 children is almost done and scheduled for opening on February 15, 2023, insha’Allah. Girls from distant villages who could not before attend school have an opportunity for quality education in a modern environment. Sharing photos.
A proud BCT (UK) / CAI (USA) undertaking.