Helmand, Afghanistan Water Well Project
After agonizing delays stemming from the upheaval of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan, the ensuing violence, and general mayhem, this water project benefiting about 8,000 internally displaced refugees in the Helmand District is finally commissioned and operational. A fantastic gift of life from CAI donors. Sharing a few photos.
Africa Water Well Projects
Many rural villages in Africa face crippling and devastating potable water challenges, especially for women and children. They drink muddy or polluted water from springs and even shallow water wells are muddy in the dry season. Dysentery keeps children from school, or worse. CAI donors have made potable water available for all in remote areas of East Africa one of our priorities. 19 deep borewells have been completed in Tanzania and Uganda in the last 2 years at an average cost of US$7,700 each.
The latest one last week was in Handeni, Tanga District in Tanzania. Sharing a few photos.