Water For Rohingya Refugees - Help Needed
I bring your attention to the CAI water projects for 39,000 Rohingya refugees rotting in squalor camps outside Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh.
Two deepwater wells, two massive pumps, 28 massive storage tanks, and a network of distribution pipes bring pure potable drinking and daily-use water to these hapless people 24×7, 365 days a year. CAI has enough funds to see the distribution of this live-sustaining project through December 31, 2020. It takes US$36,000 a year to run these services, which includes diesel to pump the water, pump and pipe maintenance, and the labor to maintain these services.
It would be unconscionable to stop this project just due to the unavailability of funds so CAI is appealing to donors to please help. This will be the best gift we can offer to Imam Hussein (a) and the shuhadaas of Karbala.
Allah bless.
IDR In Mazar, Afghanistan Get Emergency CAI Aid
About 300 families (about 3,000 individuals) were recently displaced from their village in Sarepole due to political violence. They escaped to Mazaar for safety but without anything to fall back on for survival. CAI has drilled a deep water well for them and provided supplemental food for them as well. Sharing a few photos:
Blood Testing Equipment For Rural Afghanistan
CAI inaugurates the 4th blood testing unit at its donor-supported Gazbeeri medical clinic in rural Afghanistan. Poor patients can now get the results of their blood work diagnosed in a matter of hours instead of traveling to the provincial capital, Nili, nearly 10 hours away. Sharing a few photos:
A proud donor/CAI undertaking.