
December 21st, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

December 21st, 2014

CAI Aid Comes To Liberia CAI recently come to the aid of poor Liberians hit hard by the Ebola crisis. Food parcels were distributed to the poor. Sharing some distribution photos.    Click here to view these & related pictures in larger format More Afghan Widows Get Sheep CAI distributed five sheep each to 23…

December 7th, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

December 7th, 2014

CAI Distributes Blankets / Winter Heating Coal CAI recently distributed warm blankets and winter heating to the poor and destitute in Afghanistan. There is a very urgent and desperate need for blankets for Iraq refugees displaced by the war. CAI is arranging for about 17,000 blankets to be distributed next week but the need is…

December 07, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

December 07, 2014

CAI Distributes Blankets / Winter Heating Coal CAI recently distributed warm blankets and winter heating to the poor and destitute in Afghanistan. There is a very urgent and desperate need for blankets for Iraq refugees displaced by the war. CAI is arranging for about 17,000 blankets to be distributed next week but the need is…

November 23rd, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

November 23rd, 2014

CAI CEO Interviewed WIN TV channel interviewed CAI CEO recently; you might find it interesting. Please click here to take a listen. Rohingya Refugee Children Get CAI Donner Help The Rohingya refugee children in Bangladesh refugee camps live in filthy squalor and health facilities are non-existent. CAI donors paid for 1,000 such children get circumcised for better…

November 23, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

November 23, 2014

CAI CEO Interviewed WIN TV channel interviewed CAI CEO recently; you might find it interesting. Please click here to take a listen. Rohingya Refugee Children Get CAI Donner Help The Rohingya refugee children in Bangladesh refugee camps live in filthy squalor and health facilities are non-existent. CAI donors paid for 1,000 such children get circumcised for better…

November 9th, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

November 9th, 2014

Iraq Refugees Need Water Internally displaced Iraqi refugees are trapped between Najaf and Kerbala, without water. CAI through WABIL in London proposes to drill 10 very deep water wells, up to 1,000 plus feet at the cost of US$30,000 each. This water will provide potable drinking water to thousands of refugees. A donor is matching…

November 09, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

November 09, 2014

Iraq Refugees Need Water Internally displaced Iraqi refugees are trapped between Najaf and Kerbala, without water. CAI through WABIL in London proposes to drill 10 very deep water wells, up to 1,000 plus feet at the cost of US$30,000 each. This water will provide potable drinking water to thousands of refugees. A donor is matching…

October 26th, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

October 26th, 2014

100 Poor Bangladeshi Women Get Sewing Machines A total of 100 very poor women in rural Bangladesh were gifted a quality CAI donor donated sewing machine each. They will now form a cooperative and sew / sell clothes to the local market and insha’Allah be able to earn enough money for food for their families. Sharing…

October 26, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

October 26, 2014

100 Poor Bangladeshi Women Get Sewing Machines A total of 100 very poor women in rural Bangladesh were gifted a quality CAI donor donated sewing machine each. They will now form a cooperative and sew / sell clothes to the local market and insha’Allah be able to earn enough money for food for their families. Sharing…

October 12th, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

October 12th, 2014

Hajj Qurbaani – 2014 A total of 93 animals were offered for the Eid sacrifice; the meat and skin distributed to the poor in Afghanistan, India and Tanzania. Thank you. Afghanistan Trip Photo Blog Sohail Abdullah from New York, on his first trip to Afghanistan as part of the CAI team, has put together a…

October 12, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

October 12, 2014

Hajj Qurbaani – 2014   A total of 93 animals were offered for the Eid sacrifice; the meat and skin distributed to the poor in Afghanistan, India and Tanzania.    Thank you. Afghanistan Trip Photo Blog   Sohail Abdullah from New York, on his first trip to Afghanistan as part of the CAI team, has…

September 21, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

September 21, 2014

Hajj Qurbaani – 2014 CAI is pleased to offer this service once more. All the meat and skins will be distributed to the poor and destitute in Afghanistan (very remote areas), India, Tanzania and possibly Liberia (depending on the status of Ebola control and the ability to provide this service). Costs are: Africa – US$50…

September 07, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

September 07, 2014

Hajj Qurbaani – 2014 CAI is pleased to offer this service once more. All the meat and skins will be distributed to the poor and destitute in Afghanistan (very remote areas), India, Tanzania and possibly Liberia (depending on the status of Ebola control and the ability to provide this service). Costs are: Africa – US$50…

August 24, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

August 24, 2014

CAI Donors Aid Poor Bangladeshi Students CAI donors have contributed to educate nearly 200 poor students in Bangladesh who cannot afford school fees. This is CAI 5th year of helping these children provided they maintain an overall B or better grade point average. We share few photos of my meeting with some of the students…

September 7th, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

September 7th, 2014

Hajj Qurbaani – 2014 CAI is pleased to offer this service once more. All the meat and skins will be distributed to the poor and destitute in Afghanistan (very remote areas), India, Tanzania and possibly Liberia (depending on the status of Ebola control and the ability to provide this service). Costs are: Africa – US$50…

August 24th, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

August 24th, 2014

CAI Donors Aid Poor Bangladeshi Students CAI donors have contributed to educate nearly 200 poor students in Bangladesh who cannot afford school fees. This is CAI 5th year of helping these children provided they maintain an overall B or better grade point average. We share few photos of my meeting with some of the students…

August 09, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

August 09, 2014

Humanitarian Aid For GAZA CAI is partnering with the World Federation of KSIMC in the UK to render urgent aid to the victims of GAZA through UNRWA, a United Nations agency for humanitarian aid. As usual, CAI is providing this service at zero admin cost to the the donor. CAI has, in the initial phase, pledged…

July 25, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

July 25, 2014

Zakaat el Fitra CAI has made arrangements to distribute Zakaat el Fitra contributions to the poor and destitute in Afghanistan, India and various parts of Africa. CAI must receive these contributions no later than today to be able to distribute these on Eid day insha’Allah. All funds received after this date will be distributed after Eid day.…

July 13, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

July 13, 2014

2014 Ramadhan Iftaar Appeal We still remain US$55,000 short in meeting our target of US$250,000to be able to satisfy all deserving poor and destitute across the world. Please help if you can. Final call.   Thank you. Bamiyan Water Project Nears Completion   This US$68,000 project that will supply clean, potable water to over 2,300 families…

August 9th, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

August 9th, 2014

Humanitarian Aid For GAZA CAI is partnering with the World Federation of KSIMC in the UK to render urgent aid to the victims of GAZA through UNRWA, a United Nations agency for humanitarian aid. As usual, CAI is providing this service at zero admin cost to the the donor. CAI has, in the initial phase, pledged…

July 25th, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

July 25th, 2014

Zakaat el Fitra CAI has made arrangements to distribute Zakaat el Fitra contributions to the poor and destitute in Afghanistan, India and various parts of Africa. CAI must receive these contributions no later than today to be able to distribute these on Eid day insha’Allah. All funds received after this date will be distributed after Eid day.…

July 13th, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

July 13th, 2014

2014 Ramadhan Iftaar Appeal We still remain US$55,000 short in meeting our target of US$250,000 to be able to satisfy all deserving poor and destitute across the world. Please help if you can. Final call. Thank you. Bamiyan Water Project Nears Completion This US$68,000 project that will supply clean, potable water to over 2,300 families who…


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