
CAI Newsletter – September 2023 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – September 2023 – B

Winter Blankets – Save Lives The bitter cold of winter is not too far off. Harsh winters in the remote places that CAI serves bring discomfort, misery, and even death to the poor and vulnerable. We are mobilizing to distribute thick, warm blankets to families, especially single women with children in remote parts of Afghanistan,…

CAI Newsletter – September 2023 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – September 2023 – A

Water For The Rohingya Refugees Rohingya refugees are the most persecuted people on earth. Amongst the despair and squalor at the Bakukhali, Ukhiya camp outside Cox’s Bazaar in Bangladesh where close to a million of them languish without any hope of freedom, CAI donors are providing 40,000 of these hapless people potable water for the…

CAI Newsletter – August 2023 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – August 2023 – B

CAI Sponsored School In Kigoma, Tanzania – Photo Update CAI Sponsored School For Orphans, Syria – Photo Update Delay! The publication of my Novel, Two Blue Gold And Diamond Earrings in support of CAI’s 950 orphan’s education and care worldwide will be delayed by a month or so. I apologize to all of the donors…

CAI Newsletter – August 2023 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – August 2023 – A

CT Scan For Haidari Blood Bank – Parachinar, Pakistan This hospital has come a long way from being a simple blood bank for the hapless community caught up in the violence of the area. CAI donors have aided the hospital with a host of treatment equipment and the addition of an entire floor. CAI donors…

CAI Newsletter – July 2023 – C 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – July 2023 – C

Killer Summer Heat – Iraq In summer, Iraq faces some of the most punishing and dangerous heat and the poor suffer unbearable pain. Many infirm and very young do not survive with very little available power due to constant power cuts. CAI was able to provide 230 cooling units to very vulnerable poor families, giving…

CAI Newsletter – July 2023 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – July 2023 – B

A New School - Zimbabwe A possible CAI donor-sponsored new school will soon be coming up in the remote village of Choana, Zimbabwe. This school will educate about 300 students who currently walk between 5 to 12 kilometers to and from school, rendering their learning abilities almost useless. This will be CAI’s 85th global learning…

CAI Newsletter – July 2023 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – July 2023 – A

Kigoma School Update – In Photos The Mwakezega Elementary School in the remote village of Mwakezega is now under construction. This will be one of CAI’s donor-supported 85th worldwide schools, bringing quality education to those most in need of it, in a modern setting. A very proud donor/CAI undertaking. Sharing a few photos of the…

CAI Newsletter – June 2023 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – June 2023 – B

A Day In The Life Of Sakina Home - Yemen CAI donors have been supporting the livelihoods of 150 orphans at the Sakina in Sa’naa, Yemen since 2017. This support includes quality education and all other needs for a healthy and dignified life, and a productive future. Sharing a few photos. A Day In The…

CAI Newsletter – June 2023 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – June 2023 – A

Qurbani For Eid al Adha - Final Call CAI is mobilizing for the ritual qurbani sacrifices for Eid al Adha. The poor in the following countries will receive meat and skins from animals slaughtered on that day: Afghanistan:  $113 for a large animal Africa:  $50 for a small animal India:  $104 for a medium animal…

CAI Newsletter – May 2023 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – May 2023 – B

Qurbani For Eid al Adha CAI is mobilizing for the ritual qurbani sacrifices for Eid al Adha. The poor in the following countries will receive meat and skins from animals slaughtered on that day: Afghanistan:  $113 for a large animal Africa:  $50 for a small animal India:  $104 for a medium animal Iraq:  $230 for…

CAI Newsletter – May 2023 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – May 2023 – A

Qurbani For Eid al Adha CAI is mobilizing for the ritual qurbani sacrifices for Eid al Adha. The poor in the following countries will receive meat and skins from animals slaughtered on that day: Afghanistan:  $113 for a large animal Africa:  $50 for a small animal India:  $104 for a medium animal Iraq:  $230 for…

CAI Newsletter – Apr 2023 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – Apr 2023 – B

Syria Milk Aid – Mission Accomplished Sohail Abdullah and I were on the ground in Syria during Ramadhan supervising the distribution of infant milk to wanting children. About 12,000 families benefited from this excellent program. Each poor family with infants received a month’s supply of milk, gladdening thousands of mothers. Click here for a few…

CAI Newsletter – Apr 2023 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – Apr 2023 – A

Zakat el Fitr Heads up regarding 2023 Ramadhan Zakat el Fitr. Since the zakat will be distributed to those eligible in remote areas of the CAI world, please donate now. We can then be ready to execute the project on Eid day. This year’s rate is US$12 minimum per individual. Please donate this as a…

CAI Newsletter – Mar 2023 – C 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – Mar 2023 – C

Zakat el Fitr Heads up regarding 2023 Ramadhan Zakat el Fitr. Since the zakat will be distributed to those eligible in remote areas of the CAI world, please donate now. We can then be ready to execute the project on Eid day. This year’s rate is US$12 minimum per individual. Please donate this as a…

CAI Newsletter – Mar 2023 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – Mar 2023 – B

2023 Ramadhan Iftar Appeal Philippines Beta Education Center – Photo Update CAI’s 3rd donor-funded school in the Philippines, 81st globally, is well under construction for about 300 students, many of whom will begin school for the first time. Opening May 20th, 2023, insha’Allah. Sharing a few photos. City Of Knowledge School – Photo Update CAI’s…

CAI Newsletter – Mar 2023 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – Mar 2023 – A

2023 Ramadhan Iftaar Appeal Infant Milk For Syria Sohail and I have just concluded a brief but grueling and perilous trip into Syria – Zainabiya, Latakia, and Hasya’a. While the rebuilding of severely damaged homes is beyond the scope of CAI due to the scale of destruction, financial, legal and logistical challenges, there are areas…

CAI Newsletter – Feb 2023 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – Feb 2023 – B

2023 Ramadhan Iftaar Appeal The holy month of Ramadhan is not too far away and CAI must mobilize to distribute food aid to the poor and destitute across the world. Rice, wheat, sugar, flour, and cooking oil worth US$50 will go to each eligible household to supplement their iftaar. Please help us feed a hungry…

CAI Newsletter – Feb 2023 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – Feb 2023 – A

2023 Ramadhan Iftaar Appeal The holy month of Ramadhan is not too far away and CAI must mobilize to distribute food aid to the poor and destitute across the world. Rice, wheat, sugar, flour, and cooking oil worth US$50 will go to each eligible household to supplement their iftaar. Please help us feed a hungry…

CAI Newsletter – Jan 2023 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – Jan 2023 – B

2023 Ramadhan Iftaar Appeal The holy month of Ramadhan is not too far away and CAI must mobilize to distribute food aid to the poor and destitute across the world. Rice, wheat, sugar, flour, and cooking oil worth US$50 will go to each eligible household to supplement their iftaar. Please help us feed a hungry…

CAI Newsletter – Jan 2023 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – Jan 2023 – A

Lifesaver Blankets Distribution – Syria 3,200 blankets were distributed to Syria’s internally displaced refugees in Hessya, Lattkia and Sayyeda Zainab Districts of Shaam. Sharing photos. Housing Appeal – Sindh, Pakistan CAI is appealing for help to build 200 homes for the devastating victims of the Sindh floods. Each one-bedroom home, with a built-in bathroom and…

CAI Newsletter – Dec 2022 – C 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – Dec 2022 – C

Igalula School - Kigoma, Tanzania A very happy day for over 900 students now with a spanking modern school at their village in Igalula, Kigoma, Tanzania. A proud BCT (UK) / CAI (USA) undertaking. Winter Food Aid In Afghanistan / Yemen Most poor farmers in Afghanistan plant wheat they will eat during the frigid winter…

CAI Newsletter – Dec 2022 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – Dec 2022 – B

Lifesaver Winter Blankets Distribution - Yemen About 2,500 lifesaver blankets were distributed to the poor and homeless in remote Yemen. There still remains a need, especially for Syrian refugees, many of whom are widows and orphans exposed to the bitter cold of winter. Please help if you can by donating a blanket at $32, or…


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