
September 2007 Report 150 150 Comfort Aid International

September 2007 Report

A very hearty Ramadhan mubaarak to all of you. May all of us have the toufiq to get closer to our Master and seek His pleasure always, for surely nothing else matters. Alhamd’Allah, I have successfully completed my recent tour of CAI projects in Afghanistan and India. I had the good fortune to participate in…

May 2007 Report 150 150 Comfort Aid International

May 2007 Report

Afghanistan – In the land of unimaginable anguish Once again, by the grace of Allah (SWT), I was blessed with a trip to Africa, India and Afghanistan. As is my past norm, I narrate to you about my experiences in these countries that affect the role of Comfort Aid International in lending a helping hand…

December 2006 Report 150 150 Comfort Aid International

December 2006 Report

Amongst the Hazara Orphans – My five days of despair in Afghanistan. Part One I undergo surgery in Mumbai and get confirmation from pathology that the tumor removed is not malignant; I am ready for Afghanistan. I had been requested to go to Afghanistan by Aga Mussawi  in London. He had advised that the situation,…

September 2006 Report 150 150 Comfort Aid International

September 2006 Report

My fellow Muslims, Salaam aleykum and special greetings to you on this blessed and holy month. May Allah (swt) accept our meager a’amaals and sacrifices this month, increase us in our imaan and have mercy at our shortfalls. As is the norm, here is a report on my recent projects trip. Insha’Allah, I hope these…

May 2006 Report 150 150 Comfort Aid International

May 2006 Report

My fellow Pantajani Muslims, Salaam aleykum. Once again, I was blessed in the service of Allah (swt) by a visit to CAI ongoing projects in Kashmir, namely the construction of girls orphanage in Kargil and re-construction of earthquake destroyed boys orphanage and school in Kamal Kote, Uri. My experiences and observations follow but I will…

January 2006 Report (Part Two) 150 150 Comfort Aid International

January 2006 Report (Part Two)

Friday January 20th, 2006 We arrived in Mumbai late Thursday night from Kolkata. Having inhaled quite a bit of pollution in Kolkata, it took me a day to recuperate before I could head back out to visit projects around Mumbai. Fridays is a day of meetings where the trustees of Al-Imaan Foundation gather over lunch…

January 2006 Report (Part One) 150 150 Comfort Aid International

January 2006 Report (Part One)

Dear fellow Muslims, My uncle suggested that I write a report about my experiences on my recent trip to India, where I accompanied him while visiting the various projects he is involved with for as President of Comfort Aid International (CAI). First, I would like to say that I am not a writer by nature,…


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