
CAI Newsletter – May 2018 – C 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – May 2018 – C

2018 Ramadhan Iftaar Appeal – Another Success Alhamd’Allah, generous worldwide donors were able to raise the funds for this project and iftaar food packs have/are being delivered to over 10,000 poor families in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Gambia, Guinea, India, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Somaliland, Sierra Leone,…

CAI Newsletter – May 2018 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – May 2018 – B

Ramadhan Iftaar Appeal – Almost There With Allah’s blessings and our donor’s generous support, the 2018 Ramadhan fund is within reach of the target, only about US$18,000 balance remains. This will ensure over 10,000 poor families in 14 countries get a shot at a decent iftaar in Ramadhan. Thank you and Allah bless to all of the…

CAI Newsletter – May 2018 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – May 2018 – A

Ramadhan Iftaar Appeal – Update The holy month of Ramadhan is less than two weeks away and CAI is in the midst of processing the logistics of purchasing food grain supplements for 10,000 poor or destitute families across 14 countries, to be distributed before Ramadhan sets in. Each food basket will cost about US$32, so CAI…

CAI Newsletter – April 2018 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – April 2018 – B

Ramadhan Iftaar Appeal – Update The holy month of Ramadhan is less than four weeks away and CAI is in the process of processing the logistics of purchasing food grain supplements for 10,000 poor or destitute families across 14 countries, to be distributed before Ramadhan sets in. Each food basket will cost about US$32, so CAI…

CAI Newsletter – April 2018 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – April 2018 – A

Ramadhan Iftaar Appeal  The holy month of Ramadhan is less than six weeks away and CAI is in the process of processing the logistics of purchasing food grain supplements for 10,000 poor or destitute families across 14 countries, to be distributed before Ramadhan sets in. Each food basket will cost about US$32, so CAI needs to…

CAI Newsletter – March 2018 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – March 2018 – B

Ramadhan Iftaar Appeal  The holy month of Ramadhan is on the horizon and us at CAI need to plan for the distribution of foodstuff to the poor and destitute in 14 countries around the world. A food basket, each with US$32 worth of foodstuff will be distributed per family to supplement their monthlong iftaar. CAI is…

CAI Newsletter – March 2018 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – March 2018 – A

Ramadhan Iftaar Appeal – Let’s Begin: The holy month of Ramadhan is on the horizon and us at CAI need to plan for the distribution of foodstuff to the poor and destitute in 14 countries around the world. A food basket, each with US$32 worth of foodstuff will be distributed per family to supplement their monthlong…

CAI Newsletter – February 2018 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – February 2018 – B

A Day In The Life Of … – In Pictures: Please click here to view this delightful set of photos showcasing the life of a CAI sponsored orphan and the workings of 6 CAI constructed and supported remote medical clinics in Afghanistan. The Struggles Of The Persecuted Marawi Muslims In The Philippines:  Ali Yusufali, CEO of CAI, recently visited…

CAI Newsletter – February 2018 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – February 2018 – A

A Day In The Life Of A CAI Supported Rohingyas / Orphans – In Pictures: Yemen Humanitarian Crises – CAI Aid Continues: CAI has no choice but continue with the milk, food and medical aid to the suffering masses in Yemen who remain mired in unimaginable pain and grief. Another round of powder milk and food…

CAI Newsletter – January 2018 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – January 2018 – B

CAI To Empower Poor Tanzanians Become Economically Independent: CAI will begin assisting start-ups or struggling entrepreneurs with small-scale interest-free loans so they can grow and employ fellow poor Tanzanians. Fishing, bee husbandry, farming, and honey harvesting activities will benefit from these loans insha’Allah. Kabul Widow Economic Upliftment Project A Major Success: The project to train 50…

CAI Newsletter – January 2018 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – January 2018 – A

Blanket Relief To Victims Of Yemen Tragedy – Photo Update: CAI Donors Initiate Another School Project – Kodinar, Gujrat – India: CAI donors proudly gear up to yet another school project in a remote and poor location – Kodinar, Gujrat, India.This is an economically and educationally backward area of Gujarat where about 900 children do not…

CAI Newsletter – December 2017 – C 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – December 2017 – C

Food / Milk / Blanket Aid To Yemen Continues: The carnage and tragedy in Yemen continue with unimaginable pain for innocent victims; CAI has no choice but to help with milk, food and now life-saving blankets. In partnership with BETA, London, CAI is continuously distributing aid as and when funds become available. Please help us keep…

CAI Newsletter – December 2017 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – December 2017 – B

Appeal For Life Saving Blankets / Heating Coals: Winter is fast approaching and CAI will attempt to provide warm life-saving blankets and/or heating coal to the most vulnerable in Afghanistan and India. For about US$25 per family, this will save lives. Please help if possible. Allah bless. CAI’s Rohingya Orphans Get A School And Nuirishments: CAI’s…

CAI Newsletter – December 2017 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – December 2017 – A

Acute Food Crises In Yemen – An Appeal For Milk: CAI is trying to increase milk aid to the disastrous situation in Yemen; a high protein, high-calorie diet will help these children gain weight and fight disease. Please help!  CAI Makeshift School For 122 Rohingya Orphans Ready – Opening December 10 insha’Allah: In addition to the orphans…

CAI Newsletter – November 2017 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – November 2017 – B

School For Rohingya Orphans Starts Construction – Photo Update: The school will be ready for opening December 10, 2017, insha’Allah. The deepwater wells are also underway and will update their status shortly insha’Allah. Here is current progress: CAI Begins Construction On A Hospital Floor For Parachinar, Pakistan: CAI will sponsor the construction of an entire floor for badly…

CAI Newsletter – November 2017 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – November 2017 – A

Rohingya Refugees Orphans – An Update: The influx of refugees from Myanmar to Bangladesh continue unabated but there is now some order since the Bangladesh Army has taken over the administration of the misery. The land for CAI sponsored school for 100 orphans has been acquired and construction of a makeshift school will commence shortly insha’Allah. It should…

CAI Newsletter – October 2017 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – October 2017 – B

Aid To Rohingya IN BD Has Begun: CAI has begun the construction of 50 toilets and 25 shallow water wells for the Rohingya refugees now at Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh. Arrangements for the education, care, and wellbeing of 100 orphans is also underway. CAI Trustees are on the ground in the camps as you read this…

CAI Newsletter – October 2017 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – October 2017 – A

Donor Aid To Rohingya Refugees In BD Begin: Aid to the wretched Rohingya refugees (read Blog here) at the squalor camps at Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh has begun. Due to the total lack of sanitation facilities in the camps and the real and immediate threat of communicable diseases, CAI has begun the construction of two toilets, one…

Book for Orphans 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Book for Orphans

BOOK ONE – Sikander Ali ‘You are a bloody buffoon, a red-assed bander, a monkey, who will not be anything once you grow up. You hear me, you idiot? Your mother should be satisfied if you make it as a barber!’ ‘Bah,’ I resorted glibly, ‘Habeeb is a barber and his salon takes in thousands…

CAI Newsletter – September 2017 – C 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – September 2017 – C

CAI Donors Reach Out To Rohingya Refugees In Bangladesh: CAI Trustees are on the ground in Cox Bazar, Bangladesh trying to bring some relief to the terrible plight of the Rohingya people who have been forced out of their homes in Myanmar (Burma). Due to the overwhelming demand by over 400,000 such people, logistics for…

CAI Newsletter – September 2017 – B 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – September 2017 – B

Helping The Rohingya Refugees In Bangladesh: As you may have already heard, the poor Rohingyas in Burma, Myanmar, again, are being persecuted, their homes burnt, men killed, women raped and children butchered. CAI donors stepped in with food and shelter relief a few months ago. This relief, although useful and necessary, however, is transient and…

CAI Newsletter – September 2017 – A 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Newsletter – September 2017 – A

SGH Construction In Progress: After delays due to an unrelenting monsoon and regulatory red-tape, the Sakina Girls Home new digs in Sirsi, India is in an accelerated mode now, scheduled for completion April 2018 insha’Allah. Sharing few photos: Life-Saver Medical Cases: One of the most critical roles of CAI worldwide is providing support to financially challenged individuals who…


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