A Day in the Life of….
Most Khojas born and living outside India have strong emotional and some links to the State of Gujraat, India and considerable resources pour into her. I have been to this richest state in India and am puzzled by all the attention she gets. Anyway, I was blessed with a visit to Kishanganj, Bihar some 2 weeks ago and was appalled by the backwardness of our community and the shocking illiteracy of her children. CAI has put in place few economic uplifting programs for widows and few poor rickshaw service providers. Most needed however, is an elementary school, a small one, for the children who while away their time in play within dirty and disease ridden surroundings. This school will cost about USD23,000 to build and about USD3,200/year to operate. CAI already has half the funds pledged and invite you to invest for the balance. The following few photos tell a telling picture of our community at Kishanganj.