Zakaat Fitr
As usual, CAI is making arrangements for this obligation to be distributed to the poor and destitute the world over. For the program to be successful, since the distribution is far, wide, and remote, CAI needs to make arrangements from now. All contributions must be made on later than May 10 at the very latest. Please help us by donating now with the intent of a loan to CAI and converting it to Zakaat fitr on eve of Eid.
The recommended amount is US$10 per person, minimum. Click to donate.
Eid Gift For Yemen – A Cholera Vaccine
War and violence have taken a colossal toll on food, water and health care for Yemeni children. Bombed and destroyed water treatment plants mean children drinking polluted and untreated water, which give way to inevitable cholera. You can gift a child US$16 for a dose of vaccine this Eid and save her/his life. CAI, in partnership with BETA Charitable Trust, UK will attempt to vaccinate 14,000 children in 2021 beginning immediately after Eid insha’Allah and your gift of US$16 (or more) per child is requested. Every destitute child in a remote area will be medically checked and a vaccine and vitamins gifted, giving them a chance of survival insha’Allah.
Please help CAI make this a success and donate to this invaluable investment in saving a fellow human being. Please encourage others and share this message as well. This is a tall order, but one that can be achieved if all of us do a bit. Allah bless. Click to donate.
Aid For Indian COVID-19 Victims – Round 2
We’ve all watched the haunting images of Indians dying for want of oxygen on TV. The resulting government lockdown on people movement means loss of income to those who survive on daily wages – domestic help, petty vendors and farm workers. CAI is distributing US$25 (US$75,000 in total) each to 3,000 widows with children, overwhelmingly daily wage earners impacted by the lockdown. Not a whole lot but enough for basic food grains for a week or two. Thank you all, for coming together so quickly. Allah bless. Click to donate.