Water Aid – Mazar Shareef, Afghanistan
Internally Displaced Refugees (IDPs) in the Khatamul Anbia district of Mazar Shareef, Afghanistan urgently need potable water. The following photos tell a sad story of their daily struggle. CAI is looking at addressing this problem by drilling a deep water well for the 3,000 odd people (projected to swell to 10,000 in two years once the water is available). Two storage tanks of 10,000 liters each on a water silo and 10 distribution points will help solve the problem and the village will rejoice, giving their gratitude in blessing to the donors. The complete project is about US$50,000. Please help if possible. Allah bless.
CAI Sponsored 77th School In The Philippines – An Update
The Sultan Lingodan Elementary School in Mindanao, Philippines is well underway, scheduled to commission in November 2022 insha’Allah, and on budget. This will be CAI’s 78th sponsored school. A proud donors / CAI undertaking. Sharing a few photos.