CAI Distributes Blankets / Winter Heating Coal |
CAI recently distributed warm blankets and winter heating to the poor and destitute in Afghanistan. There is a very urgent and desperate need for blankets for Iraq refugees displaced by the war. CAI is arranging for about 17,000 blankets to be distributed next week but the need is for much, much more. Please help if you can. $20 for a warm blanket will keep a human being warm and even save lives of children and the aged.
CAI Begins Iraq Water / Housing Projects |
CAI has begun the ten deep water wells and 100 homes project for internally displaced refugees that are anguishing between Najaf and Karbala. Please help in this very urgent and desperate situation. Sharing few photos of WIP.
India Sikandarpoor School Underway |
CAI’s fifth school at Sikanderpoor, UP is well underway. Alhamd’Allah, this project is now fully funded and we anticipate KG1,2 and grades 1/2/3 to start in July 2015 insha’Allah, giving instant basic access education to the poor children in the area. A proud donor / CAI undertaking. Sharing few photos of WIP.
Afghanistan Photoblog – Part Six |