A Little Like Ali (A.S.)

A Little Like Ali (A.S.)

A Little Like Ali (A.S.) 150 150 Comfort Aid International



Saudi airstrikes and blockade have devastated the country of Yemen and furthered food shortages and starvation. 13 million people and 1.3 million children under five are malnourished, with so many dying due to mass starvation. In one hospital, 15 out of 150 children under five died due to severe malnourished despite being given treatment. More than 7.6 million people are severely food insecure, meaning that they are not able to put food on the table. These numbers are rising by day. 2.3 million people are displaced from their homes. 10 out of 22 provinces are one step away from famine. Fuel, grain, oil and clean water are extremely scarce and very expensive. Food distribution is also difficult because trucks have to scrounge for gas. Nearly ¾ of the population, over 19 million people do not have access to clean water. Most severe forms of starvation and emaciation are in remote parts of the country and mountain villages. Electricity is intermittent leading to an energy crisis. Due to lack of fuel/cooking oil, many have resorted to burning toxic plastic to cook food. This is a level of need that requires urgent external assistance.



Project A Little Like Ali has partnered with Comfort Aid International to send monetary aid to Yemenis in need through WABIL – World Ahlulbayt Islamic League (an international socio-religious charitable organization with offices in more than eighty countries spanning across five continents and their activities involve welfare and upliftment of the deprived sections of the society). All donations for Yemen have huqooq ijazah.

Please make all checks for this campaign made out to Comfort Aid International and in memo write A Little Like Ali.


The Yemen Campaign is now complete. Thank you for all the donors who participated generously.


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