2016 Ramadhan Iftaar Appeal:
Our appeal is gaining ground, we are almost there alhamd’Allah; please help us achieve our target if you can. CAI is in the process of feeding 10,000 poor fasting families in 14 different countries across the world. A family receives a variety of nutritious foods that supplement their iftars. Some countries in Africa have yet to receive our funding to make this possible.
Our 50 Boy Orphans In Ghazni, Afghanistan:
The facility in Ghazni is now full with 50 orphan boys receiving quality care. Sharing some photos.
CAI Trustees Visit Ethiopia To Assess Famine:
Two CAI trustees visited Ethiopia recently, to assess persistent reports of famine there. Please read report and view photos here.
A New CAI School For These Girls In Afghanistan?:
CAI is seeking funding for a school for these girls in remote Afghanistan. These photos tell a story. And show the need.