
ComfortAid Newsletters

January 25th, 2015

January 25th, 2015 150 150 Comfort Aid International

US 2014 Tax Receipts All US based 2014 tax receipts have been emailed. We still have a considerable list of people for who we do not have email addresses. If…

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Aid To Iraqi Refugees

Aid To Iraqi Refugees Comfort Aid International

CAI donors have provided blanket / water / housing aid to Iraqi displaced refugees. 18,000 blankets, 3 deep water wells and 30 homes are currently under distribution / construction. Sharing…

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US 2014 Tax Receipts

US 2014 Tax Receipts 150 150 Comfort Aid International

Testing how this shows up compared to the pasted material below:     All US based 2014 tax receipts have been emailed. We still have a considerable list of people…

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January 11th, 2015

January 11th, 2015 150 150 Comfort Aid International

US 2014 Tax Receipts All US based 2014 tax receipts have been emailed. We still have a considerable list of people for who we do not have email addresses. If…

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CAI Aid To Kashmir Flood Victims

CAI Aid To Kashmir Flood Victims Comfort Aid International

Kashmir India witnessed devastating destruction of lives, homes and property recently. CAI donors have contributed towards food / blanket / medicines / home repairs. Sharing few photos of food, blanket…

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December 21, 2014

December 21, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Aid Comes To Liberia CAI recently come to the aid of poor Liberians hit hard by the Ebola crisis. Food parcels were distributed to the poor. Sharing some distribution…

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December 21st, 2014

December 21st, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Aid Comes To Liberia CAI recently come to the aid of poor Liberians hit hard by the Ebola crisis. Food parcels were distributed to the poor. Sharing some distribution…

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December 7th, 2014

December 7th, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Distributes Blankets / Winter Heating Coal CAI recently distributed warm blankets and winter heating to the poor and destitute in Afghanistan. There is a very urgent and desperate need…

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December 07, 2014

December 07, 2014 150 150 Comfort Aid International

CAI Distributes Blankets / Winter Heating Coal CAI recently distributed warm blankets and winter heating to the poor and destitute in Afghanistan. There is a very urgent and desperate need…

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