An Insult? / It’s an ass, no, an arse, no-no, a tush… / Sheikh Ayoob / Myanmar calling?

An Insult? / It’s an ass, no, an arse, no-no, a tush… / Sheikh Ayoob / Myanmar calling?

An Insult? / It’s an ass, no, an arse, no-no, a tush… / Sheikh Ayoob / Myanmar calling? 150 150 Comfort Aid International

An Insult?
previous Blog Ramadhan In Dar es
Salaam seem to have hit a raw nerve with a (tiny, tiny) few of you, in
regards to my comment about Sheykh Allidina and the use of word ‘arse’. Recapping
my response to one particularly irate lady who lectures me on etiquettes of
writing – I will not be dictated on what or how I pen. Even then, I offer the
following rebuttal:
I reiterate I have the utmost respect of Sheykh
Allidina, enjoy his lectures and am awed by his elm and linguistic abilities. I
however, stand by what I wrote and will insha’Allah relay these sentiments to
the Sheykh directly when I meet him next. I am a situational writer, penning
what I see, hear and smell.  If several (mostly elderly) men grumble
at the length of his qunoots, a complaint I have repeatedly heard
whenever in Dar, I cannot write otherwise, can I? The Sheykh is an objective
man and will understand my intent insha’Allah.
gentleman complains I have insulted a ‘Khoja aalim’. A Khoja aalim? Samahaani; I differ. Kwanini?
– Kwasababu Sheykh Allidina can take credit for his brilliance from
teachings of non-Khoja aalims! His elm and eloquence is credit for the
universal Muslim ummah, the way our Prophet (S) wanted us to be; Khoja,
non-Khoja is irrelevant, to me. Lakeeni, I will let this cantankerous man bask
in self-deceit of Khojaism.
It’s an
ass, no, an arse, no-no, a tush…
gentleman from Dar es Salaam finds my use of word arse used in the
Blog to be ‘vulgar’, says he cannot broadcast the otherwise interesting
Blog to the general Khoja community in fear the word arse will hurt
their sentiments. Eh! He should perhaps sit through one session of our Khoja
Baradharaan Baraaza here in Sanford, FL. Why, the least he’ll do is sting his
eyebrows at the matoosi’s being hurled about. Anyway, lets see; what polite
term of the human posterior could I have used instead? Here in the USA, we call
it buttocks (American women tame it to tush), in the UK, they
call it arse, in Australia, it’s ass. What would the general Khoja
community be comfortable with? Ummm, Behind? Where the sun does not
shine? Bum? What? 
Give me
a break, yaar. If you must object, please use some logic in your
arguments. Tafadhaali.
Ayoob Raashid from the UK (originally from my birth town of Arusha, Tanzania)
comes visiting Husseini Islamic Center here in Sanford, FL for first 15 days of
Ramadhan and easily captures the hearts and minds of our community with his
content and style of lectures. I, regretfully, catch only the last two
lectures, what with me relishing in Dar es Sallam, Tanzania.
Here is
an aalim who is simple, precise, practical and a pleasure to listen. Ah, even
the your Faathaa and your Maathaa accents are pleasurable
listens; reminds me of my geography teacher Mr. Esmail in high school. The
lectures are derivatives from the Holy Quraan and Sunna of Ahlebeyt (A); bread
and butter issues that we can easily adapt in our lives. Proof I don’t really
need tall, lofty historical events (some with dubious origins) or philosophical
dissertations that sting my already rozaa hibernating brains. Asante saana
Sheykh; we miss you already. Kareebu saana, anytime! I assure you a very warm
reception from the community. Insha’Allah. 
hearing and researching about the Rohingya refugees and their systematical but
brutal elimination has put a frustrating dent to this special month. My heart
aches at the silence and inaction of international community at the Rohingya’s
plight and the stonewalling I get from every possible source that can help CAI
bring any relief to these suffering humans. My prayers have been answered
finally, alhamd’Allah. As you read this Blog, I am on my way to Myanmar,
insha’Allah for a first-hand insight to their plight and ways CAI can somehow
assist; possibly food and temporary shelter, in a transparent and accountable
As the
trip is shrouded with some uncertainty and trepidation due to recent treatment
of Muslims, I request your prayers for my safe return after a fruitful,
successful foray to meet and offer moral (and material if at all possible)
support to these pitiable humans. Muslims, no less.
keep you posted insha’Allah.
For non
Kiswahili readers:
Asante –
Thank you
– But
– Welcome
– Why?
– Because
– Curse words
Saana –
– Sorry
– Please
On a very personal note:
are very important powerful days of destiny and forgiveness, of charity. I beg
you, please be charitable and forgive me even a minute grain of pain or
offense caused to you or your estate, however unintentional. 
If you
can, please spare a prayer for the increase and safety of Imaan for my family
and I.
O Allah, I seek a just state in which Islam and
its adherents are honored, and hypocrisy and its followers are
humiliated.  Make me a caller to Your way and follower of Your path, and
grant me the most excellent things of this world and the next.

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